At under 6p per serving, Jam on toast is a great snack on a budget. Using essentials ranges of bread and jam it’s comfort food for pennies. Jam toasties are such a comfort food too!
I didn’t want to start weighing my jam today! So I’ll use some sample sizes from well known jam portions for comparison as they’re standard sizes and most people’ve had experience of whether one’s enough!
I love jam on toast – or even jam sandwiches – and they often get chosen in my house for their ease of availability and sheer joy factor! If I feel peckish a little while after a meal, I’ll sometimes serve jam on toast and call it dessert!
Having a jar of jam in the house is almost compulsory as it’s so easy to store and so flexible to use.
How Big is a Portion of Jam?
As a guide:
- Hartleys and Robertsons jam individual portion packs contain 20 grams of jam
- Individual jam portions in small, cute jars, are 28 grams of jam
If I take a mid-point, and declare that a portion of jam is 25 grams, it’s a simple figure to work with.
A jar of jam weighs 454 grams, making 18 portions in a jar of jam.
How Much Does a Portion of Jam Cost?
Cheap supermarket and own brand jams currently cost ~30p.
Budget Snacks
Jam on toast is a budget snack if you use the following:
- Essentials sliced bread, with 20 slices to a loaf, costs 36p (59p for the next quality up). That’s 1.8p/slice.
- Own brand jam, my favourite is Tesco Stockwell at present, costs 31p for a 454 gram jar at present, costing 1.7p/portion
One slice of toast and jam has a total cost of just 3.5p – make a Jam Toastie with two slices and it’s just 7p.
£1 per Day For Food
If you’re trying to keep your food bills down to £1 per day for food, then a little jam on toast as a snack is a lovely affordable treat that needs no fancy ingredients, no equipment (except a toaster) and is made in under 2 minutes. If you’re worried about running the toaster, a jam sandwich hits the same spot!