Food Cheats

Crumpet Toppings: Chocolate Spread or Nutella

Crumpet Chocolate Spread Nutella

For a quick sweet treat a crumpet topped with chocolate spread or Nutella really gives you that sugar hit.  I’ll quite often have a single crumpet with chocolate spread as a late evening snack, it’s just enough to satisfy those sweet cravings, without becoming a large calorie-fest.

It’s a fast snack that I can usually make in a commercial break in the middle of a TV programme, or even between programmes.  Fast and tasty = winning combination.

This didn’t photograph well as I quickly took the snap late one evening while I was keen to just get on and eat it!



  1. Simply toast the crumpet in your toaster, or under your grill.
  2. Spread one rounded teaspoon of chocolate spread over the top.

Eat and enjoy!

The calories in a rounded teaspoon of chocolate spread, about 10 grams, is approximately 50-60 calories, depending on the brand.

Menu Cost: 

A crumpet can cost as little as 6p and the chocolate spread I buy is Lidl Choco Hazlenut spread, costing about 3p for a teaspoon.  This quick sweet snack, or fast dessert for one, costs under 10p!

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