Toasted Bread Roll Breakfast, Scrambled Eggs & Baked Beans
|A toasted bread roll breakfast topped with healthy scrambled eggs and filling baked beans is a great way to start the day. Filling, tasty comfort food really starts the day off well I find.
You can buy large white baps at some supermarkets, although not all – I buy mine from Aldi, Lidl don’t sell them and I’ve spotted them in Asda before! As Aldi is one of my two closest supermarkets that’s where I head for their bread rolls, which are the best bread rolls I find for packed lunches, to serve with burgers, or just to eat on their own. They also make a great toasted base for a cooked breakfast. Once bought I’ll often slice the rolls and freeze them, so I’ve always one to grab from the freezer.
I will quite often cook a “hot breakfast” as my main meal of the day, whether that’s early in the morning or later in the day. These type of meals are quick and easy to put together and are very filling and frugal, so I gravitate towards this ease and comfort 🙂
- 1 large soft white bread roll
- 2 eggs
- 1/3rd tin of baked beans
- Small knob of butter/margarine (optional)
- Splash of brown sauce (optional)
- Slice your bread roll in half and toast it.
- Spoon the baked beans into a microwave safe mug and microwave on high for 2 minutes, stirring half way through
- Beat two eggs in a microwave safe mug and microwave on high power for 2-2½ minutes, stirring after 45 seconds, then increasingly more often. Finally break up the egg with a fork and adding a small knob of butter or margarine.
- Place the bread roll in your breakfast bowl and top with the baked beans and scrambled eggs, finishing with a quick flourish of brown sauce!
With this filling breakfast you’ll be full until early evening!
Menu Cost: Under 40p
These bread rolls cost 45p/4, so that’s under 12p each. Two eggs are 16p and 1/3rd of a tin of beans when bought as a 4-pack (22p/tin) is under 8p. So the total cost is about 12+16+8= 36p. If you add in the cost of the butter/brown sauce it’s still under 40p.