Food Cheats

Simple Quiche Recipe Ratio, Single Serving

Simple Quiche Ratio Crustless Quiche

If I want to make a simple quiche, whatever the base or if it’s a crustless quiche, then I’ll typically fall back on the recipe I’ve been using for years as it works for any size of quiche I am making.  These days I will usually make a small quiche, but this quiche mix ratio is fully scalable and simple for me to remember.  This is an ideal recipe if you’re cooking for one, using the lowest common denominator, which is “1 egg”.

The quiche in the photo is made using one egg – with a filling of Cheddar Cheese, Oregano, Black Pepper and Tomato.

I make my quiche mix by weight – using digital scales.  This, I find, removes all the uncertainty of whether the egg in my hand is small, medium, large or something else!  These days I buy eggs where the box says “large”, but they vary in size enormously, so making the mix by weight has always just seemed the best way to make a quiche and get it right every time.

A quiche filling is simply eggs and a liquid – where the liquid can be milk, cream or even condensed milk.  I usually use full fat milk (blue top milk in the UK) as that’s my preferred milk.  Using cream or condensed milk will give a slightly thicker quiche base, richer and more luxurious, but I’m not catering for others, I am simply making a quick quiche usually!  It’s very flexible and adaptable and just works for me and I use this recipe when I have milk and eggs and an assortment of food in the fridge and I peer in and think “I’ll just whip up a quiche with that lot” and don’t want any fuss.

Over time you’ll work out which size dish you prefer using, which will vary depending on what you’ve got to hand and how deep you want your quiche to be.  On this occasion I wanted two small portions of quiche, so used my Charlie Bigham bowls, as I wanted to try those out for size – they are about 4″/10cm wide each. Personally I felt I wasn’t happy with the size of quiche they made, but unless you try you don’t know! I think today I felt like a larger quiche, in one dish.



  1. Using digital scales, place the bowl/jug onto the scales and reset the scales to read 0.
  2. Crack the egg into your bowl – and read off the weight from the scales.
  3. Whatever the weight of the egg, now add double that weight in milk/cream. e.g. a 54 gram egg + 108 grams of milk
  4. Add any seasoning you want and whisk the eggs/milk together.
  5. Grease your dish.
  6. Weigh out a filling that is at least the same weight as the milk weight. e.g. 108 grams of milk = at least 108 grams of quiche filling.  You can add more filling, but this should be your target amount – it’ll give you enough filling to call it a quiche!
  7. Place your quiche filling items in your dish, pour the egg/milk mix over the filling combination.
  8. Bake at 190C for 25-30 minutes – it’s cooked when you slide a knife into the middle and it’s not liquid.
  9. Let the quiche rest so it “sets” – if you don’t do this then some of the filling might still be a little runny.  I have been known to eat my quiche, allbeit not entirely ready, simply because I am impatient.  Quiche is best eaten at room temperature.

There are many variations of quiche out there to enjoy and try – but if you’re simply standing there with eggs and milk and other food and all you want to do is “make a quick and simple quiche” then this is an easy recipe to remember:

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