Lidl Bixies Review
Lidl Bixies are their own brand for Weetabix, made by Crownfield. I’ve been eating Crownfield Bixies from Lidl for the last four years – I’d had a break before that as, as a rule, I didn’t buy milk. I now buy milk every few weeks, so these are back on the menu!
Since I started eating wheat biscuits again I’ve tried the Tesco own brand version and then I switched to Lidl Bixies. I found Bixies were larger (so more satisfying) and they didn’t seem to be “hard pressed bits of cardboard” which I found with the Tesco version (by comparison).
Lidl also have another range, in a white box, called “Simply” – I tried these and they, too, are smaller/tighter packed, so in my opinion the Lidl Simply wheat biscuits are not as good as the Lidl Bixies.
How to Serve:
For me a portion is two wheat biscuits – these are 207 calories for two – and 100ml of milk. Yes I did measure it as I was intrigued… the amount is 90-100ml so there’s enough milk to make them moist, without finding any dry bits and without swamping the Bixies and wasting milk!
- Put two wheat biscuits in a bowl that’s large enough for them to lay flat.
- Carefully pour milk over them – I slowly trace round the edges/rim, then splash a little in the middle. The objective here is to ensure all the wheat biscuit is moist, but not disintegrated! As a rough rule of thumb, one pint of milk is enough for 6+ portions.
- Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar on top (10 grams, yes I weighed it once)
- Eat
I like to put the sugar on last so it’s not washed out of sight by the milk.
When to Eat Wheat Biscuits:
That’s entirely up to you – I’ve eaten these at every meal time. Traditionally you could say they are a breakfast cereal, but they also make a late night snack 🙂
Menu Cost:
The price of Bixies is usually £1.85 for a box of 48, so that’s 3.8p each. 100ml of milk will vary between 4-8p, depending on whether you bought 1 pint, or 4 litres!  The sugar is under one penny.  The cost will be quite frugal though.
Price Update 2023:
It was just brought to my attention that the price of branded Weetabix is now £8 for a box of 72!
The Crownfield Lidl Weetabix lookalike price at the end of May 2023 is still very competitive – at just £1.89/box of 36. That’s 5¼p each. The price has increased, but they’re still half the price of the branded Weetabix!