Easy Cooked Breakfast Ideas
Sometimes a full English breakfast’s just not what you want, you just want an easy cooked breakfast – and one variation that I like to whip up in the microwave is a simple, hot breakfast.
Scrambled Eggs and Beans on Toast
Today I made that “with a twist” as instead of placing the toast on the plate and smothering it with the baked beans and scrambled eggs, I decided to cut the toast into pieces and have a fully loaded breakfast bowl!
I propped the toast up round the edge of the bowl – and alternated between using a knife/fork and just picking a few pieces of toast up with my fingers and eating it like that!
In this, the toast was cooked in the toaster, it was the last couple of slices that I’d frozen, so this was bread toasted from frozen. I used the microwave to make scrambled eggs and to re-heat the baked beans.
This is a breakfast that can be made in under 5 minutes and, I feel, that eating it from a bowl made it feel more of a “comfort food” than if I’d served it on a plate!
Finished with a quick splash of brown sauce! Served with a black coffee.
… just …. NOM!
Menu Cost: 31p
Bread £0.04, Baked Beans £0.10, Scrambled Eggs £0.15 (including butter), Brown Sauce £0.02.
Total cost £0.31
Filling and frugal. Those beans count as one of a 5-a-day too! Eggs are protein, so that’s good too!
2022 Price Update
With the rising cost of food, it was time to take a quick check back to see how the prices have changed.
Aldi Everday Essentials bread costs 36p/loaf, with the Village Bakery sliced white loaf costing 59p. An Asda Soft White sliced loaf costs 60p. Two slices of toast are still costing 4p if you buy the cheapest loaf, or 6p if you choose the next price level up (I prefer these, so have been buying the pricier 59p/60p loaves).
Two eggs, from an Asda pack of 15 for £1.32 costs 8.8p/egg. Aldi eggs start at 13-14p/egg. Two eggs would cost 17-28p.
Baked beans at Aldi are now £1.09 for a four pack (27p/tin), but they have a new label of budget baked beans costing 22p/can, so half a tin of baked beans costs 11p.
Two scrambled eggs, on two pieces of toast, with half a tin of beans would now cost from 32p + marg and brown sauce.
After six years, it’s still possible to make this filling meal for just 1p more than it did – if you’re price-keen and buying budget ranges. As this is one of my favourite meals I’m pleased to see little inflation going on here!
My actual cost, with my chosen brands, would cost slightly more, at 37p + marg and brown sauce.